Friday, March 1, 2019
Reasons behind Self Induced Harm in Cases of Bulimia Nervosa
bulimia nervosa is considered as an eat unsoundness which is usually menti one(a)d together with anorexia nervosa and rent pull away dis companys this so collectable to the fact that all three pertain to abnormalities in the take in patterns or tendencies of an psyche which cause considerable peril (Ameri muckle psychiatric Association APA, 2005). An eat dis erect whitethorn not sound alarming, but in fact, dangerous disregard on over overall health whitethorn lead story to dire consequences, especially in the case of binge-eating syndrome.In addition, not set ahead back malnutrition be caused by such a disorder, but cardiovascular and deathlike complications may alike annul (APA, 2005). Not only is binge-eating syndrome referred to as a type of eating disorder, but it is in like manner considered to be a severe mental health issue characterized by frequent events of binge eating and subsequent purging (Cooper, Todd, & Wells, 2009). This means that a massive beat of food is consumed by the individual with bulimia, and afterwards the food taken is expelled by various means of purging.Self-induced upchuck, misuse of laxatives, and misuse of diuretics be considered to be the three briny categories of how an individual achieves purging (Mehler, 2003). repayable to such actions, the condition of the embody would be in a state of severe imbalance, hence cause various symptoms or different levels of severity. The symptoms of bulimia ar the accompaniment of a continuous case of sore throat, inflamed salivary glands, puffy cheeks, decline in quality of the teeth, gastroesophageal reflux disorder, intestinal disorder, kidney disorder, and severe body dehydration (APA, 2005).Bulimia throw out be differentiated from anorexia and binge eating on the primer of how eating is perceived and reacted upon by the individual, thus having different sets of symptoms. Unlike individuals with anorexia who avoid eating at all costs, bulimics eat a lot of food which is taken divulge afterwards its difference to basic binge eating disorder is that instead of purging, individuals with binge eating disorder just now reach a state of regret afterwards (Grange & Lock, 2007).It is evident that a person that suffers from bulimia does signifi after partt physical harm to their bodies. Also, one must likewise take into account that individuals with bulimia argon also communally diagnosed with otherwise psychiatrical conditions including cases of current and long standing psychiatric disorders these disorders may include depression, dissociative identity disorder, substance abuse disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, social phobia, and borderline personality disorder (Cooper et al. , 2009).The reason as to why they commit such acts of binge eating and purging, which does not only wear d receive and considerably weaken the body but also initiates fatal risks and complications, must and so be ide ntified. base on statistics, out of 100,000 individuals, 26. 5 females and 0. 8 males ar bulimics (Treasure, Schmidt, & Furth, 2003). The presence of such effects and symptoms upon an individual with bulimia makes it crucial for batch to understand the core reasons so as to be able to identify peers who are currently suffering or at risk from the disorder and to provide proper aid in recovery and treatment as advantageously.The fact that the actions done by bulimics are fueled by social, psychological, and emotional factors, especially their personal appraisal and their theory of ideal physical form, is rather becoming the common perception (Treasure et al. , 2003). However, current trends in studies also suggest hereditaryally found explanations to eating disorders (Grice et al. , 2002). Developments in genetics and biologic studies have allowed the possibility of bulimia as be directed by more than the social and behavioral factors, contrary to what was antecedently thou ght of.Given the extent of problems and risks as presented, awareness towards the details regarding bulimia nervosa is unquestionably beneficial. In relation to this, information regarding the motor agents as to why individuals with bulimia commit such harm towards themselves must be established. Therefore, the purpose of this search is to identify the reasons as to why individuals with bulimia nervosa cause harm towards their own bodies. Methods In order to gather sufficient information regarding bulimia nervosa, a preliminary search for basic information from the internet was done. By browsing credible medical websites such as, medicinenet. com, mentalhealth. com, and nlm. nih. gov also known as Medline plus, basic familiarization with the disease or disorder was established. It must be understood, however, that this clapperclaw was merely done in order to learn the basic footing and facts regarding bulimia. It was decided that a brochure on eating disorders from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) is to be utilized as a source since the tie beam is credible and the information is well-presented. Afterwards, a search for online journals tie in to bulimia nervosa was conducted in several medical, genetic, and psychiatric sites.Related journals were acquired from the informationbases of American ledger of Genetics (AJG), Archives of oecumenical Psychiatry (AGP), and the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). Books on bulimia nervosa and eating disorders were provided by several peers. Examples of such books, which are in the main recent releases and in that respectfore provide updated information, are Treating Bulimia Nervosa and Binge take An Integrative Metacognitive and cognitive Therapy Manual by Cooper, Todd and Wells (2009), and Treating Bulimia in Adolescents A Family Based Approach by Grange and Lock (2007). DiscussionBulimia nervosa is considered to be caused by interconnected aspects, including those of psychoso cial and biological origins (Treasure et al. , 2003). Thus, it is potential to assess the probable reasons as to why individuals with bulimia nervosa relapse into committing harm towards their own bodies. In this sense, insights into the reasons can be efficiently acquired with the review of factors base on psychosocial and biological sources in a dispel manner. Problems during early periods of the life of an individual may cause an individual to go bad bulimia later on in life.Concerns regarding weight and sort may coach early during electric razorhood (Keel, 2006). An example of how early cases of problems in ego-appraisal arise may be observed in the association in the midst of parents and children since these are the first sources of social fundamental fundamental interactions that an individual is commonly exposed to. When a child is taken good care of by his or her parents, he or she would come to perceive that he or she is rather important or precious in the opposit e sense, a child that is neglected tends to conceptualise that he or she is unwanted for several reasons (Treasure et al. , 2003).In this sense, the child might be led to think that something about his or her physical characteristics is undesirable. Furthermore, teasing and practicable mistreatment from the peers of a child regarding his or her appearance, especially their weight, may become imprinted in their thoughts as they age and develop. Thus, early on, a child may perhaps develop a desire to lose weight and improve appearance (Treasure et al. , 2003). The point of displeasure towards the current state of appearance is commonly unless established during adolescence as this is the phase wherein attraction between genders become apparent.It is also during adolescence that the actions are more controlled by the individual rather than by parents or authoritative figures adolescents become aware of their capacity to question and to refuse to remark such figures. However, due t o the fact that they are still not that knowledgeable, they are considerably prone to mistakes. If an adolescent develops a problem such as bulimia nervosa, it has been connected with increased risks of develop physical as well as mental disorders upon entering early bighood (Johnson et al., 2002). In addition, findings of a study done in 2003 reveal that the incidence of bulimia nervosa on adolescents increases as years pass the main reason as to why teenagers choose to commit actions of risk-related behavior is their heavy focus and attention on physical appearance including weight (Forman, 2005). As a side note, adult incidences of the disorder are very much similar to the adolescent incidences in legal injury of risk factors, symptoms, and outgrowth (Cooper et al. , 2009).All of this information point towards the validation of interplay between psychosocial factors as a potential cause of bulimia nervosa. As a result, it becomes evident that a major reason as to why people w ith bulimia nervosa harm themselves is to assert a good physical image, mayhap in order to prevent potential negative judgment from other people and to portray a positive public appraisal based on appearance. For those with bulimia nervosa, keeping the ideal physical image is spanking and veritablely of utmost importance, even more than their own welfare in the long run.In relation to this, the concept of keeping an ideal image may be directed by culture, personal cognitive tendencies, and/or derived from stressful events (Treasure et al. , 2003). Having defined the main reason behind the harm caused by individuals towards themselves based upon psychosocial factors, it is now important to assess the biologically based reasons behind it. As with numerous diseases and disorders, at that place is a current trend of discovering or find out the genetic triggers which initiate the onset of such problems.As mentioned, current research has revealed that there is a genetic or biologic al basis in the occurrence of bulimia nervosa (APA, 2005). In areas of medicine and genetics, a complex disease is one that is considered to involve the interaction of gene-based and environmental factors. Thus, such diseases cannot be passed on simply from parent to offspring however, the tendency to develop susceptibleness can be passed on and can be induced by mutations (Treasure et al. , 2003). In this sense, a person that is susceptible to develop bulimia nervosa is depicted to have genes or alleles that allow such susceptibility.Alone, a susceptibility gene cannot cause the development of the disease, but upon the addition of additional susceptibility genes, the interaction between the assembly of genes leads to disease development (Treasure et al. , 2003). In fact, a study was conducted in order to assess the particular proposition sets of chromosomes that confer bulimia. In the said study, it was mentioned that a destiny of bulimia nervosa cases does indeed have a familial bearing, suggesting that its incidence in families with members that has bulimia is observed to be rather connected in harm of successive or prior cases of bulimia in the family (Cynthia et al., 2003). Given this, the researchers opted to die a significantly large sample wherein genetic data was pile up and analyzed in order to determine where the susceptibility gene of bulimia is located. Exactly 308 families were used as sample, wherein a linkage analysis of the families regarding inheriting genetic characteristics of bulimia, such as chuck, was conducted. The results of the study from linkage analysis have shown that a dominant linkage results was observed between D10S1430 and D10S1423, implying that the effects of chromosome 10p in families with bulimia are the common denominator (Cynthia et al., 2003). With such cogent evidence of genetic basis in developing bulimia, especially since it was proven to be heritable, it becomes evident that there is indeed a biological basi s in the presence of the disorder. In this sense, an individual may cause harm to themselves due to genetic interaction between susceptibility genes which confer bulimia and its symptoms, for example when genes that code for self-induced vomiting are activated, the individual will tend to induce vomiting upon him or herself.Since bulimia can be considered as rather hereditary, environmental implications of touched families may also cause other members with sufficient susceptibility genes to develop bulimia. In this sense, there are mainly two identified reasons behind the harm those individuals with bulimia cause upon themselves. The first reason is in order to maintain a desired physical appearance of weight as dictated by personal, cognitive, stress, or cultural factors.The second reason is that the energizing of certain genes, especially those in chromosome 10p, may cause the development of symptoms related to bulimia, which in turn may cause the development of the overall disord er. These results are not surprising due to the fact that it has long been a common thought that bulimia has psychosocial roots. Also, regarding the development of a genetically based causative agent to bulimia, it is a trend today, with the vast development in genetics, that certain diseases may be triggered by genetic factors.However, as mentioned, pointing out these reasons direct is rather beneficial so that individuals will become aware of the possible causes of developing bulimia and continuous suffering due to the disorder. In effect, individuals can practically assess cases where bulimia can already be observe and also provide preventive support to individuals which may have a higher risk of developing the disorder. In terms of future implications and importee of such results, these data can provide further insight and proof that bulimia nervosa, resulting in self-induced harm, is not only triggered by psychosocial factors but genetic factors as well.Hence, further resear ch may make use of the data presented in order to provide further information regarding the specific areas under psychosocial factors and/or genetic factors. Conclusion The research yielded information regarding the causative agents of self induced harm in individuals with bulimia nervosa. It has been determined that the causes of self-induced harm can be divided into categories psychosocial and genetic. In terms of psychosocial, it has been assessed that the roots of the problem may start young, possibly during infancy or childhood.The development into adolescence also further increases the risk of individuals to develop bulimia as the focus towards appearance is increased. Due to various factors such as negative peer judgment and contrasted self-concept based on behavior, cognitive, cultural, and stress-related aspects, a person may choose to maintain optimum appearance and weight as he or she may see fit through self-induced vomiting which is a form of self-induced harm.In terms of the genetic factors, it has been assessed that the symptoms of bulimia nervosa is rather heritable hence, the occurrence of the disorder has a familial basis. Specific effects of numerous susceptibility genes, which are generally connected to chromosome 10p, provide the genetic basis of the development of the problems associated with bulimia. In addition, it was also mentioned that self-induced harm such as purging is activated by specific genetic elements.Therefore, the aim of the research to list the reasons behind self-induced harm in cases of bulimia has been completely fulfilled due to the fact that the two main reasons for self-induced harm was enumerated, one being a desire for maintaining or developing an ideal appearance and weight-based on varying criteria and the other being the interaction of genetic elements which, when triggered, can lead to the symptoms such as induced vomiting which is considered to be self-induced harm. ReferencesAmerican Psychiatric Association . (2006, November). Lets Talk Facts About Eating Disorders. Borchure. Arlington, Virginia American Psychiatric Association. Retrieved April 23, 2009 from http//www. healthyminds. org/factsheets/LTF-EatingDisorders. pdf. Cooper, M. , Todd, G. , & Wells, A. (2009). 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